Indian Rocks Beach leaders are pleading with the federal government for help with beach renourishment for an 8.5 mile stretch of the coastline.



  1. Beaches are public
    If u want to own all the rights then u are responsible!!!!
    Live in FLA for 60 years
    And gran parents were here long ago.
    Make all beaches public
    And then everyone can share otherwise this is what you get. No help. Wake up selfish people not always about you.

  2. It's ironic that these folks hate big government and the current POTUS, but will cry for federal assistance from that same government with every disaster that happens to their private beaches and homes- that they built on literal sand. That's privilege for you.

  3. Why waste our tax dollars for your exclusive beach??? City beach is a city responsibility….it's not the general public who should pay for refurbishment……. half of Florida will be gone by 2050 anyway…. so just let it go in advance

  4. The business that depend on the beach and the rich transplants that live there should pay for the beach. I don't live anywhere near the beach and lord knows when I do go there isn't anywhere for a scrub local to park….so I don't want to chip in for it. You pay it.

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