Public not warned about sex offender camp growing in Tampa Bay woods



  1. No One, No one, should have to live like this! Its Bullshit, sex offender or not, once a person has served their Prison Sentence and fulfilled their Probation/Parole obligations they are done! The God Damn registry needs to be done away with. It doesnt keep anyone safe and its Draconian! Florida should have Federal intervention on this…its inhumane and its Uncontitutional! Our Leaders are WRONG, they say that the Registry in not Punitive, lets see one of those bastards writing these laws live like this. The Recidivism rate for sex offenders is the lowest of any crime (1 to 5%), let these guys build a life for themselves.

  2. The media really blows sex offenders out of proportion. Most are men who offended once and will not reoffend.
    Everyone makes mistakes.
    Stop condemning them mercilessly for no logical or fact based reason.
    They are human beings after all, just like you.

  3. I hate Florida. The people there are so STUPID! Violating human rights in the name of "public safety" is complete trash. Making people live in squalor is unacceptable. This is in all other states too but Florida is the root of the problem. Don't like my opinion? Go cry about it.

  4. Florida probation officers don't care unless they're told to revoke you and take you to jail. If your supervision level is changed requiring weekly check ins, that's when they start to do their job

  5. The public not being "warned" is not the issue. What would the warning be exactly? Lock your doors there are sex offenders ready to rape you?? The issue is that we have people on probation LIVING IN THE WOODS because of laws that prevent them from getting housing. This is a well known thing happening in Florida. Probation officers have no choice but to send them to live in the woods or under bridges. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!

  6. This is like SWATing in how it's genuinely messed up but also extremely funny and the fact that it's inappropriate to find it funny just makes it even funnier. Exile colonies of nomadic sex offenders is like something out of WH40K. lmao

  7. This is crazy. It looks like these people have been doing right, charging their monitors, the place looks clean and look what they built! Leave them alone. The government seems to forget they work for the people and not the other way around.

  8. I cannot wrap my mind around hiding their identity from the people who sent them there those people already know that they're there they sent them there. 🥸🕶️🎩🎓🥷

  9. I'm not sure the state "sending" these people to this camp is a bad thing, or at least, it's not the worst scenario. First off… They're being tracked by their ankle monitors, so whatever. Secondly, these are all clearly people who have nowhere else they can go… Putting them back in jail isn't necessarily fair either, some of these sex offenders aren't necessarily pedophiles or rapists, they may be people who urinated or drunkenly disrobed in public, which still makes you in need of punishment and reform… But hardly worthy of rotting in jail forever. Living in a place like this provides you freedom to a degree, in that you're not locked in a box against your will. Thirdly… At the same time jail is 3 hots and a cot. So do you really want to pay a bunch of tax money for sex offenders to eat and be housed for the rest of their lives? I don't.

  10. We are so worried about Registered Sex offenders but what about the Un Registered ones lurking in families sleeping eating Good every night and the family holding in their monster secrets! 🫢🤨

  11. What a probation officer is that who told this guy to live in the woods? If the laws release a sex offender and they would live into the society they need to then have a rule for living arragements. Im pretty sure this sex offenders are not unsafe if they leave them that way. What a mess in this system. We pay high taxes this is a game playing with the families and with the felons since they are humans too.

  12. I fly my drone all over the Tampa area. Let me tell you, if there is a patch of woods… even if only a small patch , chances are it’s being used as a place to live. Sex offenders or not, nobody should be living like this. I think it’s actually shocking that some people think this is a problem for “other areas” and let me tell you, it’s everywhere! Some of the most elaborate camps I’ve found are near the most affluent neighborhoods ( or in!) in Tampa. Usually from 400 feet I see a blue tarp… that’s usually the give away. I found this one near i75 that had no less than 5 children running around in it. I highly doubt it was a sex offender deal at this one. They also had dogs. It’s crazy! I’m telling you now that if you see homeless around where you live at stores n such, they are living somewhere nearby. They are not walking miles from where they sleep. If there is no official shelter nearby they are sleeping in the woods. I even found one with a tent/tarp and like 10 bikes! You know damn well they are stealing them. That one was in Carrolwood. If I was smart I’d make a documentary just plotting the way new I’ve found. Problem is that I refuse to exploit people… not all of them are evil and I’m not going to make those peoples lives harder than they already are. Too many people already take advantage of others. Anything for a click and like!

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