Early Sunday afternoon, Eve Brock said something went horribly wrong after she got on a ride at the Florida State Fair with her boyfriend’s 9-year-old son.



  1. Lmao I’m still going to the fair tho, ur more likely to get in a car accident on the way to the fair than you are to experience a malfunction that’s actually dangerous
    Also I like the idea that it could break, gives it a little more thrill

  2. glad she wasn't injured..this is called a hub center cover..it dont weigh much..just light aluminum plating with bulbs..but she did a great job of kicking it away..as the piece was electrified it could of came in contact with the seats which could of electrified them..

  3. this same ride almost killed me in 2014 and I haven't ridden any roller coaster since I don't even go to Disney world anymore but my issue was with the harness it was not secured properly

  4. This is nothing new , it’s common knowledge rides at a Fair always been sketchy. You put your life in hands of people who might not take safety measures seriously because maybe meth or something on their mind .

  5. So many people get hurt at these fairs. I was injured when a six foot replica of a hotdog on a stick broke its string that was holding it up. Didn't look bad at first but my husband insisted on going to the first aid station and making a report. Good thing, too. I ended up having a whole year of "treatment" and ended up in surgery anyway. The sign messed up the tendon sheath so that every time I moved my thumb I had pain. Now it's fine.

  6. I am not riding the big rides because it's a really dangerous thing. Let me explain why I am not riding the big rides, everything is not always perfect anything can go wrong with anything at any time. It is a Life Risk to take with amusement rides especially the really big rides that goes over 100 feet in the air. Do not put your life into danger.

  7. When I was little, my parents wouldn't allow us to ride the rides at the state fair or any carnival. When I was older, she explained why. When I had kids, they weren't allowed to ride them either. Better safe than sorry.

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