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  1. If DeSantis runs in 2024 and goes back on his WORD about not running, he will NEVER get my vote in the future because he will of proven himself a liar and not a man of his word. Trump2024🇺🇸

  2. The end of Ronald's career 2024. Back to analyzing urine. Lab Corp would hire you with all that Navy "fighter pilot" and assistant to the urinalysis coordinator experience you got.

  3. Deathsantis is trying to figure out how to avoid resigning as governor. I'll bet he's using Florida's money for all his travels.
    God, please don't let him become president 🙏🇺🇸🙏

  4. Let him grift more money out of the pockets of gullible Floridians, just so that he can make a fool of himself and lose the candidacy and never make it onto the actual ballot. I’m actually interested in watching the MAGA party meltdown around itself when DeSantis and Trump start going at each other’s throats, more than they already are.

  5. First of all I don't believe anything that comes from the WPO, Second If DeSantis Turns On Florida I Am Afraid There Goes His Votes, Dirty Politics And Good Minded People Do Not Mix, America Does Not Need Another Slippery Joe Or The Ones Telling Him What To Do! Clean This Place Out First Before Any Decent Human Being Can Run! Also, Where Did DeSantis's Funds Come From, Florida Taxpayers And Government Benefits?

  6. Nope. He can't address the people needing help in his own state. Rents are out of control & disabled are not able to afford any place on what the govt check amount is let alone live for a month on it. No affordable housing , HUD is not available & disabled are supposed to be first for HUD above anyone else. He must not care.

  7. I'm not a supporter, but this seems like bad timing to me. Better to let the Biden administration destroy the country for another 4 years and then come out strong in 2028.

  8. Now Orange Man is going to have to remove one of his golf gloves and smack De Satan in the face. But Trump won't be challenging him to a duel because he's too much of a coward. Trump's Itty bitty feelings will be terribly hurt and slapping Ronnie Boy will make him feel better.


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