Jack Royer reports



  1. Watched this happen for over 40 years now…and have seen the various people who are supposed to do something just keep getting paid by scumbag developers. Leaking septic tanks…runoff of oil/fertilizer and pollutants of all kinds…dumped by fools…the list is long and ugly. They did leave out the massive release of radioactive poison from Piney Point and the other stacks. Did this dude really say we need to drive less…? Laughable and beyond ridicule…again. Private equity and the weak hands on the City Commission can't wait for the manatees to starve…but when the estuary is dead…the coral reefs too…and the food system collapses…the bell will toll for them as well. Good luck with that. Want to know more…? Planet of the Humans (on YT) is an education too.

  2. Humans don’t care about manatees, they care about themselves. Sea grass contributes a massive portion of Earth’s oxygen, and killing sea grasses and other marine plants is killing humans. Every decrease in O2 is an increase of CO2.

  3. This is correlated to the red tide. Red tide is correlated to the unregulated waste disposal of nutrients on rivers that discharge in the bay. And this is not only related to manatees but the whole Gulf ecosystem. This is serious and caused by humans. We need to start reversing damaging trends.

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