8 On Your Side is helping a St. Pete renter find answers after she found four bats inside her apartment within two months. Jasmin Cusimano said management is not working with her to resolve this issue.



  1. To the people telling her to kill the bats: she can't because bats are a protected species in Florida.

    To those telling her to move: she can, but not without getting her remaining rent and her security deposit back. She'll need rabies shots, too, so they should also cover that.

    It's the management's responsibility to make sure their places are inhabitable. The same people criticizing her are the same ones who would curse out the landlords (and rightfully so) if they did this to them.

  2. I used to work in an emergency room in the mid-Atlantic. What they told us was, if you ever wake up in the same room as a bat, you need a full rabies series.

    Multiple bats in the same residence would make it effectively uninhabitable.

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