Home Tallahassee Florida St. Pete teachers willing to “risk their jobs” to teach rejected AP...

St. Pete teachers willing to “risk their jobs” to teach rejected AP African American Studies course


On the first day of black history month, College Board released its revised framework for its AP African American Studies course.



  1. Agree or disagree with the rejection of this AP course, the curriculum is what it is. Take it upon yourself to teach outside of what is approved and yes, you have violated the condition of your employment and are subject to termination.

  2. I wish the media would stop saying the course was rejected. Most of the proposed pilot course subjects were accepted, about 90-95% of them. Only 5%-10% were revised. This is totally disingenuous.

  3. Why don't they just make it a elected class, my daughter took a elected class about the holocaust. If some kids want to take it, it should be up to them.

  4. I'm so glad my kids are out of school. The schools are a mess! Everyone wants to put the two cents in! The kids nowadays are not good at reading they're not good at math and other subjects that are important so when they are out of school they can be able to hold down a job get a job in the first place and the independent. All these people live in the past. Let it go we are all one we all live in America we should all be getting along we should all be helping each other we should all be taking care of our kids. If I were parents and I had school-age kids I would be homeschooling them

  5. Woke/Marxist ideology infiltrated and destroyed the halls of education which started 40 years ago and the fact that they do not know that is proof it is true.

  6. “Community leaders”
    Meh. Over BLMs radical hypocrisy. Started out as a good idea but like any movement, people always take it too far.

  7. So the 1st thing they’ll be teaching the kids is …. “Break The Law”! Goes to show who you really are! I hope all your racial, woke teachers get fired! When you do… don’t tried to implement a civil right movement, it ain’t nothing of such! You will lose! Hate will have no part with our children!

  8. The comments are where Floriduh shows off its racism and low educational standards. Oof. Y'all need Jeasus and this AP African-American History class – desperately. Racism and promoting debunked racist views should be embarassing, if any of the racist commenters were smart enough to realize it.

  9. Tell about this to Morgan Freedman,who rejects the African American Month. This strange teacher’s stamens is political with a marked agenda. Is not against real black history is agains George Soros paid racist organization BLM,whose leaders openly said that they were trained by Marxists ,an ideology by the way destroyed and is destroying all countries who implemented it in Communist societies. Why thus white professor and his black colleagues don’t watch the documentaries UNCLE TOM the truth about how Democrats president created intentionally the wrong image of black communities. And of course the bought media and shel dressed as journalists love that story.
    Shame on you to willingly destroy the American values and twist the truth

  10. African American Studies general blames Whites for Blacks failures, lack of education, slavery, low income, crimes in the black community.

    It's about FAMILY UNIT & INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY, NOT BLM's hate towards Whites, destruction of property & misused of millions of donation 💰


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