TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — A new program is expanding their transportation services for people in the community.

Star Metro is adding new services to its dial a ride program making transportation more accessible.

“I think it’s wonderful that they are giving more options to seniors in our area” said Jocelyne Fliger.

People who are 65 years and older or have a disability preventing them from using the city’s public transportation are eligible for dial a ride.

Jocelyne Fliger is the CEO of elder care services.

She said a lot of her seniors already use dial a ride so having this expansion gives them less of a hassle.

The Dial a ride program gives all its costumers an opportunity to book trips in advance and provide same day services.

“Providing them with longer hours but also that great on demand and capability and I think seniors are definitely going to be happy” said Fliger.

Each ride is $2.50 and door to door pick up is available.

Here is the list of times available for Dial A Ride:

  • MONDAY TO FRIDAY 4:00 AM TO 11:00 PM
  • SATURDAY 6:00 AM TO 11:00 PM
  • SUNDAY 6:00 AM TO 7:00 PM

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