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ACC projected win totals for all 14 teams plus best

The ACC enters the 2023 college football season with some urgency to get back to national relevance as the last two seasons have...

Homemade Laundry Stain Removers That Work

Homemade laundry stain removers are sometimes as efficient...

Florida math textbooks weren’t evaluated by just math experts

Investigative Reporter Katie LaGrone has spent the last week digging into the backgrounds of people paid by Florida’s Department of Education to review some...

2020 Tallahassee-Leon County Major Employers List

Tallahassee is residence to main employers...

The "Luck" of the Irish Will be With us. –

Comparatively talking…4th good day in a row.  Extra clouds at present, however nonetheless nice.  Highs in the upper-60s-low-70s.  We are going to usually...