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Ribbon Reducing: MetroNet – Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce

MetroNet 1779 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 109Tallahassee, FL...

Twitter Space crashes during Gov. DeSantis’ presidential run announcement

8 On Your Side Investigator Mahsa Saeidi has the breaking developments. source

Donna Adelson pleads not guilty on Dan Markel murder

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) - Donna Adelson pleaded not guilty Monday afternoon at the Leon County Courthouse on her murder, conspiracy and solicitation charges....

Police: St. Pete man held family hostage, took child

Arrest documents released Sunday revealed more information connected to a kidnapping and standoff that happened Tuesday morning in St. Petersburg. source

The 8 best carpet cleaners, according to experts

Area rugs and wall-to-wall carpets cozy up your space and feel soft, but they tend to trap more dirt than hard floors, according to...