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297: Finding Focus Podcast – A Slob Comes Clean

A Slob Comes Clean is the fully trustworthy (and by no means-ending) story of my deslobification course of. As I discover methods to maintain...

Leon County Property Appraiser holds extended hours to assist with exemptions

Seniors could save some major cash on their taxes through what's called homestead exemptions, but in order to do so, they have to know...

What is Vermilion Education, and why should Florida school boards care?

What is Vermilion Education, and why should Florida school boards care? source

Veterinarians stress prepping for your pets ahead of cold weather

Parts of the Bay area could see temperatures below freezing, with lows in the mid-20s, so we can't forget about our pets. source

On the job: Paul Lamison goes to truck driving school

On the job: Paul Lamison goes to truck driving school source