The day’s major news events, business reports, local sports updates, weather information and tomorrow’s forecast are presented by the News Channel 8 Team.



  1. He turned off the camera to hide his actions but all they have is a suspension 😮. This is insane. Why would they not do more about the situation. Vengeance is the Lord's so you will be judged.

  2. Did I hear it right ,three days suspension ?? Whoopee doo ,it's a joke .More and more of this excessive force and even murder are occurring all over this County .There is so much that is covered up and swept under the carpet ,it's disgusting. IMO most of them ere bullies with a badge , making it look.bad for the good Police officers out there.

  3. So what do want ir expect when people, possibly criminals resist arrest? Should police say pretty pleywith sugar on top? Or walk away? When you fight with law enforcement, expect to have this happen to you

  4. amazing, the same folks who scream about criminals complain about the police doing their job – so do yuns want the criminals off the streets or not? ya can't expect an officer to control every little move they make when attempting to both control a subject & protect themselves & be fully aware of everything happening around them –

  5. Three day suspension is not enough. He has proved he is not officer material. He is a lier and doesn't care how it effects the rest of the life of the individual he lied about. He needs to be fired.

  6. 3 days suspension for hiding evidence and assaulting an innocent person? We are so far gone its actually sad. The standards have sunk so low, that the "highest standards" include a 3-day paid vacation for any officer that commits a crime, including things citizens would be charged felonies for.

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