I cant believe it!
Check this out? Let me explain ๐Ÿ™‚
The original oreck cotton pad was not pulling up as much soil as I thought it should. Therefore, I decided to try pushing down hard with the bonnet pad on. And it performed better. This concerned me. I could tell the pad seemed to glide or float on the surface of the carpets. ๐Ÿ™
I thought maybe a flat cotton cloth would require less weight to really get aggressive and pull the dirt up. It works incredible! No need to add weight or press down. The cloths are 12โ€x12โ€ luxury hotel 100% cotton wash cloths. Thick. The driver pad teeth did not push through or damage the carpet. If I cant find an all cotton pad that resembles the wash clothes, I will use the wash cloths. It is all about dirt removal! Whatever does the job!




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