Nearly 2,000 Hillsborough County Public Schools students are at risk of not getting their high school diplomas if the state legislature doesn’t act soon. Those seniors, plus thousands more across the state might receive a Certificate of Completion instead.



  1. It is Equity Point Based Education white hate by Teachers and Cdc Department of education!Please ask and put children in private school Also Equity point based care at hospitals run from schools and hospitals that practice white hate

  2. This news article was sickening. They're showing images of National Honor Society students when the truth is that the students unable to pass or even unable to perform anywhere near grade level (which is why they can't pass the test) aren't NHS students but kids that never bothered to do their homework and often acted as thugs towards other students. I suspect the vast majority of them are Black. Bottom line: Blacks average an IQ of 85 and only around 12% are able to perform at or above grade level. Giving the students that can't perform at or above grade level diplomas so they can lie about their capabilities is a disservice to other students that bothered showing up and working hard. Let them remediate or let them fail.

  3. How many more testing requirements can they possibly add? I think they are going way over board. Just stop with the friggin tests. If a student is doing well in their classes and making the grades, why pile on MORE?

  4. I have seen many of the state tests. I still can't believe that people are failing middle school materials. people who fail the state tests really don't deserve a diploma. stop giving out diplomas left and right.

  5. Yeah, when people don't learn to be disciplined and work hard at a young age. The chances of them being good employees diminishes, it's really hard to find people that can work right now.

  6. They're blessed to not go into debt for a worthle college degree… they dont need a high school diploma that states they are intelligent beings… they was intelligent before they entered the public school systems for the dumbing down of their life. They need to buy books and studdy outside this corrupt so called wducatioanl bs the us has desteriated since 1966… and it never educated a soul to be intelligent…it indoctrinates to increase stuipd people

  7. Maybe it could be inadequate teachers. All these students not passing? Yeah, it's the failure of teaching. Then next they say their classrooms are too big and we don't get paid enough. Well welcome to the working man's world! My question is why do you choose the career of teaching? The root of the problem is the colleges are not teaching how to teach. First rule is liking to teach,and wanting to teach the hardest pressed learners. Most of these people go into it for summers and holidays off and a great pension plan. Aka living off the backs of households.

  8. They need to get rid of the Algebra and Geometry EEOC. I failed the Algebra EEOC and almost didn’t graduate myself from high school because of it. But since I am diagnosed Autistic according to the state. I got a pass and graduated with a Florida Standard Diploma. The EEOC in general is rigged. Thats why they had to get rid of the FCAT and replace it with the FSA.

  9. Change the rules mid year…. lol…. killin me. Flip side… Can these kids compete in college ? The state and we owe THEM an education, a full and complete education. Already PAID FOR.

  10. This is moronic. How do you not take that into account? A new law not thought all the way through. Nice. It couldn't be our public education system is being tanked, on purpose.

  11. So what's the point of going to High School if they are just going to make it easy because the students are to stupid to pass the tests. And people are complaining about kids getting trophies just for taking part in the sport. That's exactly what's happening the students are getting pass on the test just for taking part. It would be better if the teachers actually teach the kids instead of making it that if you just torn up to the test you automatically get a passing grade


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