Link to same video with no background noise so you can here the commentary

It’s ok to admit that vlm has some limitations.
This was only my 2nd job in a year like this.
VLM will do the job, but at a very unreasonable amount of effort. ☹️



  1. Your did a great job! I don't believe HWE would have done a better job because constantly hitting it with the sprayers on your wand your going to get it to wet so all that soil that is in the secondary backing is going to wick up even with plenty of dry strokes. Maybe you could save a little time, like I said below I had a room like that also that was larger with white carpet and took me over an hour and didnt come out as good and took my time like you did.

  2. Soil Stain. You can only get it so clean. Did one like that last week pre-Spray, CRB intense scrubbing, HWE again pre-spray CRB scrub, hwe. What was left was soil stain around the plastic desk mat.

  3. taking on a job with this much soil is very time consuming, which is ok if the schedule for the day is not busy, i have found that when a carpet is that soiled, because of lack of vacuuming (not even a truck mount would get that clean) Here is why, steam cleaning can make it look better faster but the dirt will rise back up with in a week because the dirt gets trapped between the padding and backing of the carpet, What i found that works well is taking dry baking soda (a lot of it) allow it to sit for a few days, the b soda will help draw up the soil then steam clean it (The hardest thing i have had to deal with is convincing a customer to do that) trust me it works

  4. Turning a failed job into a properly done job no matter how long it takes. Love your persistance. How many fewer pads would you have used with a portable on the van? How much time would you have saved?

  5. Great job If you’re open to suggestions I would suggest after you’ve burned through some of the bonnet pads! try using a dry finishing towels as needed and like spray the finishing towel to Damp and you can burn through more of those and helps extract up the soil. also what I would do and strongly suggest to you to do is try to use just plain cold water so that way the cleaning product won’t leave too much pH. otherwise you’re doing a fantastic job it’s just my suggestion just finishing towels over your pads.🙏🏻 just to let you know I have about 10 years of experience with dry cleaning bonnet method process.

  6. Do you think a CRB before the vacuum would help? Then vacuum, then crb wet, then pad it as a last step. I don’t run into these often but a strategy is good to have.

  7. I see this level of soil daily. This is very light, actually average.
    In addition, encapsulation is about encapsulating and not completely removing. The removing step is the dry vacuuming afterward.

  8. Why wouldn't you use a CRB on a crapet with that much dog hair? Then follow with your pads. I couldn't imagine not using the CRB before using a truck mount, so it's not extra steps anyway.

  9. The couple of times I didn’t figure out that I had too much soil load, I would take my blue striped microfiber and would run it, rinse it, run it, rinse it until I thought I had a shot with cotton. But a wetter carpet is the least of their concerns so I would give up trying to keep it ‘dry’. I don’t miss those days.

  10. I was on a commercial job where I ran out of clean pads. Took them and rinsed them out then let them sit in a bucket of solution. Reused and all was good. Thanks for the video and experienced commentary.

  11. VLM overload! 😵
    I am a VLM lover even though I'm not a carpet cleaner yet! I am aware of the limitations of it.
    The guy from Bonnet Pro he mostly does VLM but even he says there's some situations you just need hot water extraction.
    From what I understand from him is for most of work that he does he Bonnet cleans because he can do it faster! dryer with less equipment involved.
    I think he does more commercial than he does residential and the cool thing about some commercial is you could actually do it during the day while the commercial place is in operation. 👍😁

  12. Hi I don a lot of jobs like this I first pre spray carpet with 11ph let it sit for 10 minutes then I use the machine with brush than I spray vlm using with bonnet pads 👍comes really clean

  13. You can use your high power portable with even an EDIC powermate wand ( around $700.00 ) then follow up with a gladiator pad you will get excellent results !

  14. I do a lot of those brother get you a 360i or a mighty rotary like a T-Rex you can run those with your portable and get them very very clean I run them clean them with my 360 high and then take a bonnet pad over just to ensure no wick back the dryer you get them on your procedure the less amount of wick back that
    Happen I turn carpets in it should be ripped out and save people thousands just by cleaning them with that system

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