The Tallahassee Police Department arrested 11 people Monday night outside of city hall including Nikki Fried, the chair of the Florida Democratic Party and Senate Democratic minority leader Lauren Book. The group was protesting the passage of a six week abortion bill in the Florida Senate Monday, April 3, 2023.



  1. The pro-choice crowd has had over 30 years to weed out all the “unwanted people,” and no one can argue that they’ve been stingy in carrying out the death sentences. So far, they’ve butchered between 45 and 50 million babies and they continue to kill them at the rate of over 3,000 a day. Meanwhile, we are asked to ignore the fact that, since this holocaust began, America has suffered huge increases in teen pregnancy, homelessness, hunger, welfare, divorce, poverty, child abuse, spousal abuse, deadbeat dads, gangs, illegal drugs, sexually transmitted diseases, high school drop outs, and the list goes on and on.

  2. I missed the part in the amendment where it says you have the right to peaceful redress of grievance during daylight hours and at our discretion ,oh, and please not at the city building it looks bad

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