The Wakulla County Sheriff’s Office in Crawfordville, Florida is working to better serve those with disabilities with sheriff’s office branded red stickers.



  1. i wonder where the reporter got his? how did he qualify? i know we're all thinking this… just like fake covid cards, these are coming to a dealer near you. Never get shot by the cops again! Since the mentally challenged can use this for better police contact, the racially challenged should have these up in their cars too so they dont get shot by cops. and no im not a mindless-liberal-lefty-democrazy, i just hate bad apples. 🙂 🐘

  2. So.. We need a sticker to tell officers to respond with care.. Instead of them simply.. Responding with care? 🤔

    Imagine the bullying from kids at school who see other kids show up in their parents car with that sticker too. My goodness..


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