It’s a simple image, with a simple message. The Earth is warming — fast! WFLA Jeff Berardelli sits down with the creator of the warming stripes ahead of the 5th anniversary of #ShowYourStripes Day.

Jeff’s Climate Report:



  1. The stripes represent a total rise of 1°C. That's all. If you were in a room and the temperature rose by 1° you wouldn't even notice, but this has taken place over 170 years. Climate propaganda.

  2. 🎉 This? This!? Is what you see as THE thing to rally around? I’ll give you a better one… how about an actual mental picture of exactly HOW all life on this planet dies. THAT IS THE ONLY THING THAT WILL CHANGE MINDS FAST ENOUGH!

    ALL your vague warnings, filled with jargon and rhetoric, is still falling on deaf ears. YOU ALL (scientists and world leaders) don’t have the courage to say what needs to be said in order to really get everyone to look up and pay attention. Fear of losing your ego driven careers keep you silent. It is your cowardice that has gotten us to this point. YOU decided for us all. You decided to hide the reality of our future.

    How about actually saying something that matters. How about this… WE will be the generations that kill all life on an entire planet. NASA photos show dry riverbeds on Mars… it once had flowing water… it had an ecosystem that supported life…. NO MORE NOW! WHAT! That can’t possibly happen to Earth? BS!


    Cold oceans take the brunt of the impact, from the heat of the sun’s rays, for us on land. No cold oceans… no protection… no life, we see, around us… NO US!

    PBS YouTube video “Biggest Myth About Climate Change” states that surface temperatures would be 140*F/60*C hotter without the cold oceans. Without the sea ice to create the ocean currents. They give this calculation BUT STILL don’t give us a picture of what that means to our future.

    Leave any room to allow for rationalizations and we get nowhere. Room for excuses like “That will happen long after my great grandchildren are gone”. BS! “That will kill off us humans, who deserve it, and leave the rest of life to recover.” BS! “I don’t have time to worry about that”. BS! “If it were that bad they would be screaming it from the roof tops.” BS BS BS!

    Make NO MISTAKE you are NOT screaming it from the rooftops. Face that fact and decide… do we live or does all life get extinguished?


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