Complete coverage of important local, regional, state and national news events that affect the Tampa area are provided by the News Channel 8 morning news team.



  1. To people from Leftist states who may not understand, in Florida our state's attorneys actually prosecute criminals and our police actually protects the pubic. We don't coddle criminals here. It's a pretty good system. Y'all should try it.

  2. that's one thing we've noticed is that cops love killing people. think it was Christmas every time they get a chance to put somebody in their grave. and when there's not enough criminals they'll come to your home and shoot you in your home. anybody else think police departments are out of control? they even have their own cliche terms like graveyard dead. more police out of control.

  3. When an adult considers the lives of others so worthless as to play them like dispensibles, shoots at peace officers, he needs to be Dealt with. He didn't realize this is no-nonsense Florida and they shut him down. Bad decisions. These guys deserve commendations.

  4. I think frostproof is one of those backwoods people living off the land and a lot of bad people looking for a place to stay hiding out. It strikes me as a place where good people want to go live off the land and thugs and felons that are running from the law go and seek these kind of places out to hideout… It's too bad that these jerks got to ruin it for everybody

  5. Sheriff Grady Judd, you are 1 in a MILLION!! The world would be a much better place if there was at least 1 of you in every single Sheriffs Station across the Globe, or the equivalent!! Not only do you get the bad guys, you also go the extra mile to be fair, and make sure they get what they ask for, and, you BRIGHTEN the day for all of us out here, that are actually playing with a full deck, and abiding by the Laws!! ❤

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