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  1. This is what happens when you take real consequences for bad behaviors out of schools and replace it with a pep talk at the office. Send 'em right back to class where the bad behavior repeats itself. No consequences + parents that dont care and this is exactly what you get. Chaos and disorder

  2. The kids start fights like this for one reason.

    They, have, had, enough of the way things are.

    Schools are mismanaged, underfunded and falling apart. The teachers just thrust the kids into learning and prep for the big placement tests and their bonuses.

    They turn a blind eye to bullying and kids who need help. They give the people who cause problems a pass just because they can throw or catch a ball.

    Kids are saying. We have had enough now do something.

  3. Since they must stay and should be not permutted to leave and screw around , then the parents must take off from work ti be home with them.
    You raised these brats, now you can take care of them.

  4. I probably have at least 30 videos of blacks fighting in schools. Most with each other and some gang attacks on a White person.. Integration was a terrible thing to do to White kids

  5. SHUT THIS DISGUSTING MESS DOWN. The assault on our Education system by out of control Black thugs is FAR WORSE than what happened on January 6th in D.C. Can''t imagine who awful this place must be, how out of control the classrooms must be and how helpless the rest of the students and parents must feel to be subjected to this chaos.

  6. Its like keeping inmates in class. These type of students should go back to learning online since they cant engage in proper social behavior. Keep them on Zoom so normal students can get the education they want. Why should thugs even be in class?


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