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  1. Okay, all I need to see is this woman talking to tell me all I need to know. My son went to a brand new school out in SoCal in the 7th grade. We were new to the area from NJ. His friend's mother called in a panic to tell me that her husband was down there pulling her son out of the school, because a kid he was fighting with had a gun tucked in his waistband, when his jacket open. This was an 8th grader, and my son ended up fighting with him because he gave my caucasian, blonde haired, blue eyed son problems because he was the new kid and also because he didn't smoke weed. When this "Dante" was called down to the office, the kid wasn't even smart enough to ditch the gun in the bathroom. When the Vice Principal told him to open his jacket, the gun was right there. Luckily, so was the school's resource officer to slap the cuffs on while the police came.

    In retrospect, that could have ended a whole lot differently, and if that didn't happen over 20 years ago, it probably would have. Dante would have pulled the gun, killed the Vice Principal, my son's friend's stepfather and the Resource Officer, if he wasn't armed. Twenty years ago Dante wanted to get arrested, since a juvenile facility was better conditions than where he was living. Yet we're STILL not allowed to SPEAK TO THE CULTURAL COMPONENT OF THESE CRIMES!

  2. A lot of this is due to bullying. I bet that is what started it. Sometimes bullies need to be dealt with. Students and adults never get the message though. Especially the Karens and Kens who think the world revolves around them. You see where the kids get it from.

  3. Defund? Ha bs.. tax evasion gop…that?

    . Maybe when pot's (helps w the heat and sleep fyi) legal buy w debit will get more $ for school safety from toxic orange brain types?🕵️🏆⚠️
    lotto $? Casino $? Landlord money 💰???
    Defund churches etc.
    Oh my bad they don't even pay taxes like secular folks.. and vote for forced births after incest and rape…🤷✍️😳

  4. They are your kids but know one knows what's going on. Only race that is so violent on the planet, stuck in evolution of time. The parents need to be held responsible.

  5. These kids are totally out of control cause being a minor they think they’re not going to be charged with anything. These kids need to be taken out of school and put in a reform school until they’re of age…18.these kids cannot go undisciplined!!!!!!😡

  6. Well what do you expect when the corporal punishment & morning prayer was taken from our schools.
    If you got in trouble at school, you were in trouble when you got home!
    I do not believe in abuse, but a good butt whooping will sure change your attitude!
    Morning Christian prayer put a spiritual blessing & protection over our schools…Oh, you don't believe that…well look what's happened when. It was taken away!!!

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