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  1. Hi Paul, really enjoy your videos. I just about to make the jump to a larger machine. I started out with the Oreck and it has performed fantastic. I do mainly residential but the larger commercial jobs and larger homes are starting to come in. I would like your thoughts on what your suggestions are for the next move up. "Swirly" OR the "Orbot Vibe" like yours no tank. Cheers

  2. Ya, those Wheeler Bros use Fabuloso and ammonia. They are some real kooks. (Joe Wheeler channel) I used their method and it was a disaster. I was also a member of their VLM carpet cleaners lounge FB group and they booted me off. A real pair of characters! 🤣

  3. Lookin' good brother Pauly! Can't wait to buy my 1st Orbot when I get the funds. Got a quick question: How are your knees doing? I am 56 and just starting back out, but with some mild Osteo in mine. I know doing this kind of work will definitely get me back in shape though and help with the pain! TIA and keep on padcapping my friend!

  4. I love vlm method doing commercial carpets matter of fact vlm is the only method I use when it comes to commercial carpet, I hate vlm on residentials that's why I only do HWE in residentials. I've tried it on residentials but don't like it. So I'm glad there's somebody out there for it, not that anything wrong with it it's just too many variables when it comes to vlm in residential carpet cleaning. When I hwe residential carpet I feel like I get a better clean and always happy with the results.

  5. I just came home from a hwe job in Everett and the effing power went out right on my last room. Using my brand spanking new Mytee hwe portable, green dragon as my pre spray. Gotta finish up tomorrow 😩 lol…im gonna cheat and use my orbiter on the last room lol. It's a basement room they're not super worried

  6. You make a good point about VLM, that is why I don't call what I use bonnet cleaning. I came up with the acronym SETT that stands for Soil Extraction Transfer Technology and I even have a logo for this. I think all of us using this pad system wether it be OP or Rotary should adopt this new term to set us apart from the old school bonnet system with its poor reputation. Your OP machine is doing about 9 passes per second on the carpet fibre and you certainly can add a LED light to it but plug in ones I have seen often have a weird spectrum too be sure it is putting out natural light. Mine is 12 volt and I use a transformer to power it. That is certainly a dirty carpet, nice job, you have indeed come a long way in your journey.

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