Bobcat kills Lakeland royal swan sold in sale



  1. Wild animals are hungry ,the drought has pushed them to wander closer to neighborhoods . So what is going to happen to the bobcats ? Leave them alone you rotten people who want the bobcats destroyed !

  2. Well, the bobcat is just trying to survive. There's too much people in Florida already, expanding into wild areas, destroying mangroves and wetlands. No big surprise predators like the bobcats are gonna enter human areas looking for food.
    Having said that a "catch&release elsewhere" is a decent enough solution. But wildlife is gonna come back to the area no matter what you do. If not bobcats, then gators etc.

  3. So bobcats can't be in neighborhoods but gators can? FL makes no sense, gators attack people and pets, bobcats just outdoor animals…and the entire cat kingdom is magestic

  4. So a wild animal did EXACTLY what it was supposed to do but taking another wild animal as food. The only problem you guys have is a HUMAN problem. The animal has no choice, it lives and hunts in the wild. WTF are you idiots talking about

  5. Big deal. Circle of life. They are predators and we're taking over their habitat, what does one expect to happen? I live in a city of a million plus, with many natural areas and it's not unheard of to have Bobcats and coyotes wandering the city. I recently moved right next to a provincial park within the city which houses cougars too. Respect nature, they were here before us and are doing what they were born to do.

  6. Swans are not indigenous but Bobcats are. Talk about appropriating the bobcats habitat. Everything in the cats habitat is seen as a possible meal. Introduce some wild turkeys and maybe the cat will leave the ducks and swans alone.

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