CASSIE CARLI’S AUTOPSY | The completed autopsy report on Florida mother Cassie Carli says her manner and cause of death are “undetermined.” WFLA Now’s JB Biunno is live with the latest. Developing Story:



  1. Learn your red flags with so-called friends and family or significant others who secretly hate you and you realize that later after giving them the benefit of the doubt. Get away as soon as you can. Save your own life and your kids and pets. Pure evil is really out there, not just in horror moviesm

  2. It amazes me how these men are so ready to defend another man when a woman is dead and buried. Why is there obstruction of evidence if he didn't do it or protecting someone who did?

  3. OMG. I am so sick and tired of hearing almost every day or week of women being murdered. Keep some kind of protection with you at all times. And write your suspicions down about anyone, including family, friends or anyone.

  4. I am so angry at all of these murders of these lovely women. I hope that all of these evil people get caught and proven guilty and throw away the key or the death penalty, if it's without a shadow of a doubt by confession or something else proving. How the f*** does someone bury someone with so many unknowns. Is there a definite person or a serial killer?

  5. Song lyrics, New York, New York sung nightly during Happy hours, "If you can make it here you can make it anywhere…" Big Apple Ads glorify NYC for tourists, but it's no picnic living there even for super rich.
    This is "The Bronx"…Not surprised by aggressive stupidity of this cop…This borough is a hot mess like Chicago.

  6. The Ex was the last to see her. She didn't bury herself. He obstructed justice & tampered with evidence 😐🤦🏾‍♀️. No shade, but maybe have it done somewhere else 😕

  7. He kidnapped her or made someone to do the dirty job for him.. Her remains was found almost 5 hours away from the restaurant that she met her ex. And he use to live and work in the area where Her body was found.

  8. Botched Optopsy!!! This is a case where they need a second opinion. Why would they do a Cremation before this is done. The family Deserves answers. This state is Incompetent.

  9. can someone tell me why I don't see the date on the Youtube pages anymore? It's very annoying to have to search for it every time. Youtube, please bring it back!

  10. WTH???
    That piece of shit punk killed her. We ALL know it. Just because some backwoods Alabama quack can't figure out HOW he killed her does not for one second change the fact that Spanavelo bitch did not do it.
    Someone needs to do some digging into that medical examiner. I'm willing to bet someone paid some money for this result.
    There ARE ways to make people talk. There ARE ways to make that pansy ass BOY tell exactly what he did.
    This is sick beyond comprehension


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