City of Bartow prepares to extend hours for alcohol sales on Sunday morning



  1. I hate this.

    I hate this because this mind altering drug known as alcohol will make a person kill his wife and children and not know what happened when they wake up in the morning.
    Will make someone liquid courage to commit self harm, will make someone confused so they drive onto incoming traffic and take a person that is loved, life.
    Alcohol will make you addicted to it.
    And then consistent alcohol consumption will make a you have seizures and have liver failure.
    That is after alcohol has pushed away and hurt everyone that ever loved you.

    Alcohol needs to be controlled and restricted.
    It kills multiple people every single day.
    There are more deaths caused by alcohol than crack, meth and heroin combined.
    The same way there aren't tobacco commercials anymore, there should be no more alcohol commercials. No billboards or ads in newspapers or across youtube.
    Alcohol changes lives by killing people.
    Alcohol sales and consumption needs to be controlled BEFORE it becomes a problem for an individual that ruins lives.

    The con's outweigh the pros of alcohol consumption trifold.

    But Merica 🍻 right?

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