The city of Tampa finally removed a speed hump that has been driving Mike Hammond crazy since he moved to his North Boulevard home last year.



  1. As I understand it, it is illegal to add new speed bumps in this neighbourhood so I highly doubt they will be putting another in somewhere. This speed bump cause me a lot of trouble too because it scraped the bottom of my car and I had to downshift and swerve into the next lane to clear the obstacle. …just one of the reasons speed bumps are now banned in the neighbourhood.

  2. Hey Behnken can you come to California and confront CPS/ social workers. People are killing their children out here. Speed humps are first world problems

  3. That speed bump existed before that house was there when the property was a church. The builder should have located the driveway in a different place. The city's mistake was allowing it to pass a code inspection. Just saying, it's what political tribe you belong. vote dr. Belinda noah for mayor next week for a more fair and equitable tampa

  4. They put giant speed bumps going into my parents neighborhood over 35 years ago in Hillsborough County. The county gets bills for vehicle damage almost monthly from the residents. The county never pays and it goes to court every time. They have had to pay out close to 500k in damages, legal fees, and still will not remove them. One resident has been unable to drive his corvette out of the neighborhood for over 35 years because it cannot go over the speed bumps without being damaged. He literally had to drive through peoples yards if he wants to get it out of the neighborhood. 34 years ago the homes next to the speed bumps put huge boulders in their yards to prevent this. 35 years of nonstop complaints from over 50 homeowners have yielded zero results! Moral of the story…… who bribed who to get this removed sooner than 35 years?

  5. I believe they are calling it the wrong thing – a speed hump runs across a road to slow traffic – what I saw was a trench running along side his driveway (cement then long trench of dirt then driveway) – definitely not a speed hump (we call them speed bumps)

  6. Absolute stupidity.
    Diesel fuel eats asphalt!
    Go buy 5 gallons of diesel!
    Pour it in the spot you want to remove. Wait a day. It will come right up with a flat shovel.

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