Families tell News Channel 8 that the rising cost of child care is a serious struggle and that’s if they can find availability.
A new federal order is taking aim at fixing some of the issues.



  1. Government shouldn’t be involved in childcare, parents should know better than allowing or depending on government! I’m a grandmother and I watched my own grandchildren before they put in daycare because of abuse in daycares!

  2. Haven't these people learned that when the government thinks it can "fix" a problem it always ends up costing Billions & in the end, it also Fails… war on drugs Failed – war on poverty Failed – war on hunger Failed – no child left behind Failed the list is as endless as the number of government programs – ol slo TaliBiden expects those without a college education to pay for those who took out the loans to obtain a college education & this program will end up having those without children paying the child care cost of those with children – yet as everyone should have noticed a long time ago the funding for all these programs is misused squandered & stolen while congress looks the other way


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