8 On Your Side Investigator Mahsa Saeidi has this report.



  1. Not sure why you say it isn't an easy process. Estimating is a job like flipping burgers and checking groceries. If you know what your doing, are properly trained and supported by your superiors then you will be good at it. Sending someone to assess and estimate a loss in the dark without a deck page is called a waste of time. What you have described here is not the problem. The majority of the time the field adjuster has estimated tragically low as it is and then that estimate is carved up at the desk. They cut a check for an underpaid pittance so they can claim they have paid on time. According to them at that point it is simply a difference of opinion as to the value of the loss. That requires an attorney to fight and due to the new landscape in Florida few attorneys want to litigate there as fee's have been pushed to the client now. This is sad for the client.

  2. They are doing nothing for us. 7 months and nothing from our insurance. No one will help. USAA sure didn't mind taking the premiums I've paid for YEARS to have the coverage I paid for, but instead of the over 150k in damages, they are doing nothing. We have no walls, bathroom, kitchen, appliances or floors. Pathetic. Per usual, doing the Veterans dirty. I really expected more Gov DeSantis

  3. This isn’t a simple process. Field adjusters routinely write estimates for items THAT ARE NOT COVERED UNDER YOUR POLICY. Just because they estimate it doesn’t make it correct. For example, during a Hurricane your shed and fence could be destroyed. The field adjuster writes an estimate for the damages. When the desk adjuster reviews the estimate, compares it to the policy and discovers you have $0.00 coverage for B-Other Structures then the Desk Adjuster has to change that estimate to remove those items. The same is true if a Field Adjuster never goes into your back yard and misses your shed damage entirely, and you do have coverage for B-Other Structures. Your Desk Adjuster catches those mistakes and changes the estimate IN YOUR FAVOR. It’s not called “adjusting” for nothing. It is a vital part of determining coverage.

  4. This is SCREAMING for a class action. HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE, Floridians, including the Gov and state insurance commissioner and insurance regulators who are beholding to and supporting the insurance companies against the interests of the victim insureds.


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