Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis held a press conference at the Reedy Creek Administration Building Monday in Lake Buena Vista, which is the location of Walt Disney World’s Reedy Creek Improvement District. The district is the municipal-like entity that oversees the amusement park in Orlando.



  1. Here he goes again getting ready to take another one from Mickey instead of putting on his white boots and get his fat rear end down to Ft Lauderdale. Oh wait… they doing OK without him and his photo ops. What a Douche! Mickey is already 2 or 3 moves ahead of him.

  2. DeSantis is such a moron. Disney could crush him. He is insignificant and replaceable. Disney could shut their parks down until DeSantis gets removed from office. It is the nuclear option and it would be devastating to Florida. And there is nothing that sad little man could do about it.

  3. The devil is in the detail… listen between the lines and the truth is there… privatisation of utilities and possible use of land for another prison was 2 of them… also you honesty believe this guy can/would take on Dis? Loooool..

  4. I can't wait until Disney stomps that Dunsel governor into the ground. Disney out classed governor Dunsel so now the puppy is barking. Florida imagine if Disney never choose to build there and choose Georgia. All of that swamp land would most likely still be, all of that beautiful Money Georgia would make from all of the tourist you'll never see. You people in Florida are worse that sheep you are bugs because you like being stepped on by governor Dunsel. I am glad I moved out.

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