Growing calls for change after bodycam videos show Florida voter fraud arrests



  1. You are told very clearly when you get a felony in every state that has laws against felons voting, that you lose your voting rights and you are responsible for knowing when your rights are re-instated after completing your sentence. This is their own fault, it is not the voting poll workers job to know your background. Anyone claiming anything else is brainwashed

  2. It has nothing to do with proving you could vote, if the state gave you permission to do so. This is strictly a voter suppression effort to instill fear on the part of a fascist conspiracy in the making. It’s working, and it’s corrupt.

  3. I never understood why people who committed crimes lose the right to vote.

    I live in Canada, where it was decided back in the 60s that felons, both in and out of prison are still citizens and thus have rights that a free person would. So all felons were given their right to vote back.

  4. ignorance of the law is not a viable defense in court. just because they are stupid and cant look up local voter laws or find out if they are eligible doesnt mean they dont have any consequences. the media only cares cause they are democrat voters, clearly.

  5. DeSantis failed to update FL election computer system instead

    he spends taxpayers' money on election cops.

    DeSantis attacks and blames the vulnerable citizens for his political stunts.


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