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  1. They wants to know what going on what type of question is that you illegally working in this country and you illegally inter this country I can't jus cross the border into Canada illegally and work they got laws .like any other country

  2. We've got a lot of people in prison for non felony crimes let them go out there and work and pay them $4 an hour then they go back to prison after they work at least they'll have money when they get out

  3. Iโ€™m against the massive caravan waves, itโ€™s messes it up for all the immigrants that are here already because it creates new laws like this.

    But also Americans act way to high and mighty, when they have continuously broken international law and have killed innocent people.

    Now two wrongs donโ€™t make a right but donโ€™t act like angels who have done no wrong.

  4. Itโ€™s political. Do not call yourself Christian if youโ€™re not willing to embrace those less privileged. Fascist De Satan powering his โ€œ pro-life followers ! Pharisees. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ God hear our prayer

  5. The reason why the groceries go sky high is because of this administration not wanting to bring the price of oil down. Truck drivers have to make a living too. When the price of oil goes up truck drivers have to bring there prices up so they can feed their families, resulting in a downward spiral. These migrants are coming in illegally. There is no security on the border and we have no idea who we're letting in. We have laws in this country just like anywhere else. If i run the red light i get a ticket as a law biding citizen. I still have to pay the ticket because i broke the law. Stop making it seem like it's ok for these people to cross easily. The law is the law.. without the law there us no country.

  6. If you want to help the undocumented immigrants, please donate enough money every year to have a family stay in their own country and help stabilize it. Set up go fund me and let families stay in their own country. Right now, the border is a very unsafe place, people are dying, drugs, child trafficking and coyotes. So much better if you start a foundation for them to stay safely in their own country.

  7. Liberal logic- 'we'd all have to pay sooo much more for everything if we didn't have to pay for the burden of freeloading, exploitative , ILLEGAL ALIENS. We're actually reliant on them and they're doing us a favor."๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ–• gtfoh ๐Ÿ™„

  8. Interesting that none of these illegal and homeless supporters never take these people into their own homes.
    If all these activists did what they demand others do. Thereโ€™d be no homeless or need for shelters or subsidies for them or illegals.

  9. What about all the other school shooter been all white I mean yโ€™all literally came from/ immigrated from Europe had your way with the natives women and took over a country but we are the bad ones right? Even tho I see other races just "freeloading" off our system too but thatโ€™s not bad right only the Mexicans what a stupid society we live in today SMFH ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

  10. Thank you brave heroes! Without our migrants those groceries will go sky high baby! Just watch. I heard Alabama tried to do the smae and changed thier minds real quick. Thank you activists. If the protest was here in my county I definitely support.

  11. Get them documented! No problem then! Also, Make it mandatory for them to be sign up for the Military . The first on the list to shed some blood for this country, not our children,uncles,fathers,sons,nephewor friend ,Americans!
    Before they can become an American citizen.
    Also ,make it mandatory for them to have a skill to come here. If they're just coming here to S*** o** of the american citizens in her country they can't come.

  12. Honestly, it used to be migrants were not a problem. But now there are too many of them, and they're not simply working and staying out of trouble. It's like the one that killed 2 and injured several in Polk county a few days ago. He had no license, so he had no insurance to pay anyone's medical or funeral costs. They do whatever they want. Way too many or them figure they came in illegally, so why should they follow any laws.

  13. Those grants working in the fields are not taking away white people jobs.
    No one wants to do it
    …I see no one lining up to stand in the hot sun and do that work..DeSantis isn't helping ..just will raise your cost of food

  14. What a bunch of IDIOTS. They want to pay all the illegal immigrants' way? Fine. Then each one of these idiots can house, feed, insure, pay their bills, pay the extra money it costs for wear and tear on our public services, like schools, hospitals, etc. How in the actual Hell will it hurt the farmers? The farmers already HAVE special papers for working immigrants. Am i wrong? Thats why they come in and work for the season then go back home and then return again. Those workers are NOT illegal immigrants. Don't confuse the 2.

  15. Let me be the first yo say since a lot of our Black people are scared or being paid not to say…. Those very ssme fields blacks hung over and did that back breaking job, I love my immigrant family but that's NOT our fight. See if the shoe was on the other foot if they would be out there saying give the blacks their OWN, or fair share ๐Ÿค”

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