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  1. This sounds like a franchise owner that is reinvesting profits into other activities and not leaving enough cash flow available to cover operating expenses.

    Even if everything he said is true, he would have been able to quickly get financing to cover the gap, either through floating the card network revenue or straight loans.

    You can expect this franchise operator to fail soon. I'm sure if someone looked into his finances they would find other red flags.

  2. Focus Brands owns Moe's , Schlotzskys and others and the majority of their franchised stores have trouble paying their employees. The corporate echelon is mostly 20 something year old kids who really do not have a clue about the restaurant world. I've been in the restaurant business for over 27 years and haven't ever seen such a display of lack of knowledge within an organization.

  3. I’m sorry but y’all gonna shut down the whole store cause u gotta wait 3 days for ur pay check 🤣 I get the guy should pay them no matter what but it’s 3 days I think they’ll be alright

  4. You can blame the banks all you want… YOU are responsible for YOUR employees getting paid. You should always have a failsafe for things like this.
    So you pulled 100k of your own money… that's what you should do!! Yet you still didn't have enough to pay your employee's.
    Blame the banks all you want, YOU screwed up!

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