Cemeteries around Florida are lying forgotten and derelict. Some are paved over or used as empty lots for storage. More often than not, these are historic Black cemeteries.



  1. The Dems are outnumbered over 2-1 in the Legislature, so I wonder if this will pass? Can you imagine the turmoil it will cause statewide if it does? There must be a lot of black burial places that nobody gave a damn about in this state given the way blacks have historically been treated here. Personally, I'd love to see it pass and just embarrass the 💩 out of the governments and people that allowed, and made, it to happen.

  2. And yes, these cemeteries should be respected and cleaned up and protected but Floridas’ trump like policies towards living organisms like humans is as invasive on democracy l… It’s as bad as it gets unless he’s elected president.

  3. This should be interesting where this leads to. There are more dead buried beneath us then alive walking with us. Its not only the black graves that have been "paved" or forgotten. Beck I even tried to find my grandmother s gravesite a few months ago where I knew we buried her more than 20yrs ago and they said there was no record of her being buried there.

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