On Tuesday, the Tampa Downtown Partnership and the city of Tampa announced that the River O’ Green Fest has been rescheduled.



  1. Just wanted to let you all know who are concerned about the fish that every fish in the river and gulf of Mexico will die. It takes about 6 months to flow up the Mississippi river where it finds it's way into millions of peoples homes and kills their puppies.

  2. We hate it …we hate what you have done to our aquatic and marine life in Tampa bay the water is already polluted this is disgusting and selfish and needs to stop ..every year we protest, It is harmful so do not tell lies and saying it is not toxic..it is as it sinks to the bottom and becomes What is known as green slime It remains on rocks fish .crabs even manatees & dolphins Continue to Get sick and belly up and you wanna know why .. But that's OK for Florida now they have a drinking the contaminated toilet water I gave the OK for the reclaimed city water which is feces piss and Bacteria that is being filtered out .. They only care about money remember this is a tourist town. It's Built on greed money , and brands..like bush and lykes, And the buccaneers and the rays. and white supremacy.. So they generate a lot of money and they wanna keep that money flowing and going. Lived here my Entire life I would know, Unfortunately it's no longer paradise it's nothing but homeless begging for help..Pollution in the street and no help insight as they continue to raise rent and electricity.. But hey..go enjoy that polluted green dye for 20 minutes. With the rest of the drunks. Go celebrate something that makes absolutely no sense and be part of the problem our ecosystem and environment And aquatic life Annemarie life do not need anymore dye in the river !!!!!💀

  3. You ever thought about the aquatic Life and plant life in that water that will be directly affected by the green dye. You say it's harmless. But is it really. Stop putting things in the water. Do we really need green water. You people 🤮


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