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  1. Lets make them sing the blues once again.
    "It's no fun being an illegal alien.
    It's no fun being an illegal alien….oh come on now, you're scaring me now…
    It's no fun being an illegal alien!"

  2. I can’t tell when was the last time I read or watch the news and see good things happening for the lesser ones, it’s always some stomping out it or beat backs, on the one’s looking for help; trying to survive but the problem is they are black and brown. 🙁

  3. I’m very proud of that guy who’ll still help those undocumented immigrants! OK for the sake of argument deny undocumented immigrants things. Going to the hospital. Tell me Americans who are for this do YOU want that medical help denied at a hospital for you? You sure as heck don’t mind American born Poor being denied proper medical care! So being born here depends on your Class. Rich and Middle Class get the best. American born Poor get shoddy medical care so now undocumented immigrants you think don’t deserve medical care? Wow! You all don’t like undocumented immigrants shouldn’t have jobs? Great! A will YOU be a migrant farm worker? You sure don’t mind benefiting off undocumented immigrants picking food crops. Why won’t YOU do it! Will YOU be a hotel maid? Clean your own hotel rooms? a you sure don’t mind undocumented immigrants making your hotel rooms clean messed up by Americans! Will YOU Americans take the low paying grunt work that undocumented immigrants do? Of course not! Yet you benefit off their labor! All the Americans who think undocumented immigrants don’t deserve anything here forget one thing. YOU are a product of immigration in your distant pasts you’re not even aware of who came before the term being legal was invented by politicians. They just came. They weren’t asked. And which undocumented immigrants? The White ones or the Brown ones! I worked in a hotel laundry in 1993. It was run by an Italian woman who came 25 years earlier. She and her husband never became ‘legal’. She ran the laundry. If any of you were in that hotel and learned the head laundry person was an Italian who never became legal would YOU wash and dry your own hotel linens? Of course not! Many of the maids were from South America and Mexico. All undocumented. Would any of you clean your own hotel room? Of course not! Kind of hypocritical to say undocumented immigrants don’t deserve this or that while YOU benefit off their labor in jobs YOU won’t do! Deny an undocumented farm worker services? How about YOU pick your own fruits and vegetables then! Any volunteers? Why don’t YOU take their jobs working in a slaughter house! Why don’t YOU push a mop or broom! They don’t get Social Security working years, while YOU all bellyache when Republicans threaten Social Security to YOU! Guess you being born here doesn’t matter much. Yup! Nothing like trying to deny undocumented immigrants things while you benefit off their work! All people deserve proper medical care. And jobs? Undo immigrants whatever grunt job they can find don’t whine and complain like Americans. American born Poor are given shoddy medical care. I guess being born here doesn’t matter after all. How pathetic that some want to stop or put limits on services to immigrants while you complain when something is blocked or limited to you. The problem with most Americans is that they forget where they come from. YOU are ALL a product of immigration probably long before a immigration and Naturalization and passports. Your distant relatives went through things you never will. Without them coming unasked YOU wouldn’t be born here eventually. My maternal great grandmother was an immigrant from what was then called Austria-Hungary. She learned English. I don’t know if she ever became ‘legal’. Why did she come? She heard America was the land of milk and honey and the streets paved with gold. In other words, a land of opportunity and freedom. My grandmother was born in America in 1904. I’m a 4th generation American from an immigrant on my maternal side. Her husband probably did work Americans thought too low. My maternal grandfather’s relatives came from Germany. Grandpa was born here in 1900. Why did his relatives come here? To escape anti semitism only to find it here as other countries wouldn’t let them in because they were Jewish. My paternal grandfather was born here in 1899. His distant relatives emigrated here so he could be born here in 1899. Were they ever asked? Nope! They came from Russia, Poland and Lithuania. They were farmers. Did their countries care grandpa’s immigrant relatives FED people? Nope! They were expelled because they were Jewish. Did they ever become legal? I doubt there was any such thing as legal or illegal. Whatever grunt work jobs they had, this country benefited and profited off their labor Americans thought too low! We are a land of immigrants. I suggest then every American should give up everything here! Agriculture here started in the Middle East and spread. Without that foreign influence where would we be! Stop watching fireworks and buying fireworks. Chinese invented. Better start hand copying books again people! The printing press was German invented! Stop singing those Gospel songs in Church! Slaves stolen from Africa invented it! Better stop eating your sausages! Came here by a German IMMIGRANT! Do you care whether he was undocumented? Our law is tweaked from English law! The traffic light was invented by a man who came from slavery! Nothing like benefiting from an ancestor of slaves, right? The Hippocratic Oath your doctor you depend on whom you think undocumented immigrants don’t deserve came from the Greek! Better start inventing a new language! English has Latin and Greek roots, and we borrow words from French and Spanish and American Indian! Our Founding Fathers their relatives came from England! And we sure don’t mind them being slave owners! Deny undocumented immigrants things? Everything we have came from immigrants when legal paperwork wasn’t even invented that YOU all benefit from!

  4. Illegal immigration is just what it implies, it's illegal. If you want to emigrate to America do it legally. Has Florida taxpayers we should not have to foot the bill for these peoples hospitalization, food or housing. Everybody that wants this to pass says that our groceries will go up because they can't pick the fruit and vegetables. I rather pay a little bit more for my fruit and vegetables than the pay for their housing, hospitalization, food, childcare, transportation, and the list goes on for the taxpayers to foot the bill for. This is not New York or California. We don't want Florida to end up like Chicago, New York or LA. Go Governor DeSantis🎉

  5. churches think they are above the law. this pastor said that he is not going to follow the law get his behind arrest it . they should not seek free medical they should pay for they can go private clinic and pay for

  6. Should not be receiving the government assistance, job, and/or non emergency care if you are not an American citizen, or have the legal paper work to become one. Those funds and services should be rendered to our veterans.

  7. Come here through the proper channels and this wouldn't be an issue. Oh his parents practically grew up in this country undocumented, what does that show you? Once they are let go in the country it is a free for all and they never return to court.

  8. We have laws in this country immigrations one of them come here illegally you’re welcome come here illegally you go to jail that’s how it should be and anybody that exam is called aiding in abetting that’s a criminal offense, they belong in jail

  9. I don't understand. Does this mean even those who are fleeing for their lives to America to provide a better life for them and their children? Why can't they be housed and fed while they are working on their legal status? This Pastor is using hie OWN funds NOT government funds

  10. Desantis is a good man representing Florida. Greatly illegal immigrants are just there they’re illegal do you want to come to America come legal don’t come here expecting a free ride you belong in jail if you come here illegally people that support that are idiots or just flat ignorant. This man’s aiding in abetting a criminal he needs put in jail for this.

  11. When I was a young man, I worked with illegal immigrants on occasion on construction sites. They kept to themselves, worked hard, and really didn't bother me. But these days, America is a mess. We're the 3rd most populated country in the world not counting the illegals. And it's not like they're all coming over and working hard. Many of them are criminals. We can't fix the people's problems that are already here, how are we supposed to help even more people as they arrive? If we don't start worrying about those already here, we will fail everyone in America.

  12. I can and do understand this. We are over run with immigrants and homeless.Northern states send their homeless here over the winter and Scientology pays them per day to get out of Clearwater. Of course they will continue to come here in droves and use the bathroom in the middle of a retail store, panhandle and rob. There are 50 states. Florida shouldn't be the only one or two who have the problem. They need to be taken to sanctuary cities and dropped off.

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