Full Spectrum Photo & Audio has a long history in downtown Jefferson City, a legacy it is carrying on to its next chapter.

Lloyd Grotjam’s longtime business offers photography, photo restoration and audio work, such as digitizing old tapes. He has operated the business in the area for 42 years, moving from one building to another before finally settling in at 218 E. High in 1995.

The floor was originally covered in green carpet, but now features a checkered marble floor Grotjan found under layers of flooring — thanks to a copy of the Jefferson City Daily Tribune from the 1880s he found while cleaning the building that mentioned the unique feature, he said.

Grotjam said this was one of many examples of how downtown and the building itself had changed over the years — as had the photo and audio business.

“Things have changed so much,” he said. “I’m doing the same things I did before, I just don’t need the space. We had a studio and a darkroom, and now with digital pictures, we just don’t need all of that. We just don’t need that much physical space anymore.”

The building sold quickly, and Grotjam moved out earlier this month, selling many of the shop’s equipment, antique photographs and historic items.

Despite the downsizing, Grotjam said he was still in business. He plans to operate out of a space in a former music studio closer to where he lives, still offering all of his photo and audio services while he considers a smaller retail space for future projects and transactions.

“I have enjoyed being downtown all these years,” he said. “I always considered Full Spectrum Photo & Audio as more of a service provider than a retailer. I was hoping to find someone who would buy the building and take over the business, but finding someone interested in the service industry is a rarity these days. I wish our culture promoted the happiness and inner peace that comes with helping others.”

Grotjam can still be reached for his services at 573-635-0250.

Know of any business happenings around Jefferson City? Let us know at [email protected] or 573-761-0243.


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