Luck or geography? WFLA-Columbia project explores why it’s rare for major hurricanes to directly hit Tampa Bay



  1. You guys answered the question all us locals have been wondering for YEARS!
    I live just north of Tampa in Chasshowiska and everyone from here to Crystal River always mention how there’s never direct hits to this area. It’s bizarre.
    This study was great, thanks for doing it since it’s been the million dollar question around here for a long time.

  2. John and Mable Ringling bought 20 acres of Sarasota water front property in 1911, but only after researching what part of Florida's coast was hit the least by hurricanes, so as to protect his future investment. Quite sure liberal Yankee climate schools didn't figure into his research.

  3. Soo many good theories in here. Im going to post mine:

    CENTCOM uses Ionospheric heaters to draw them away from us. But how does that account for decades upon decades ago in the past? CENTCOM or Ionospheric heaters did not exist 70 years ago!

    Well thats easy. Time Travel! Special forces teams comprised of time traveling chrononaughts routinley go back in time to fight past hurricanes off with man portable directed energy weapons.

    Its super easy, barley an inconvenience 😎


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