Governor Ron DeSantis’ anti-illegal immigration law goes into effect Saturday.



  1. Welcome to freedom florida your only free if your white an straight an a nazi 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️ white Privilege

  2. it just amazes me how Floridians act too spiritually and morally built while not honoring the 1st commandment of the word Of God . "Love your neighbor " , It doesn't say Love your legal american neighbor . 😂 what hypocrisy. They hate people yet defend the people loving God 😂😂😂😂

    Forget about other sins abortion gay bla bla … while hating human . I'm not saying supporting illegality is right but deep hatred towards to any human is sin. Regardless we all created in the image of God . Jesus christ died for Humans , sinners …. period .

    My Floridian ex always used to tell me to go back to my country every time we fight and i'm here legally. 😂😂😂😂 and all his friends are immigrants and act as if he likes them but when he turns around his hate screams . Rip humanity. I have been to many states and i never remembered my immigrant status until I started to live in Florida. They remind you all the time . Mind you i'm legal immigrant.

  3. Does anyone care enough to learn English language. This is not Mex hello. Please learn American history and maybe we respect you. Please respect our laws. Please don't wave your national flag. This is USA. We do not impose or barge into Mex and act like this with expecting some type of swift consequences. US can't get into Mex without required paperwork. Stop demanding stupid stuff from our country. Go freaking home if you don't like it. Nobody cares. You are here illegally and broke the law to enter. So lucky this new law is not harsher and calling for deportation mandatory Now. So lucky so entitled Now.

  4. It has created ACCOUNTABILITY. Illegal aliens may put 50 billion dollars into the system but they take out $500 billion in housing, medical education and food subsidies that the homeless, veterans and low income do not get without restrictions and limitations.

  5. First of all why are original people of this continent getting deported we didn't cross no border the border crossed us we are not the wet backs we didn't cross oceans to get here … We didn't come to the Americans and raped and killed anybody but y'all did….

  6. If you want to live here there is a process to enter LEGALLY!!! And so you KNOW WE ARE A COUNTRY OF LAWS!!! We as CITIZENS live within the law. If we BREAK THE LAW THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES which can be a FINE, JAIL TIME OR PRISON TIME( huge difference between jail & prison) maybe probation. Then I see these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS holding a sign that there not criminal!!! If you BREAK OUR LAWS YOU ARE A CRIMINAL plain & simple!!! So go back we’re you came from and APPLY FOR CITIZENSHIP LIKE THE MILLIONS THAT HAVE DONE SO BEFORE YOU!!! Do that enter & become a legal citizen and we’ll WELCOME YOU WITH OPEN ARMS!!! Hell I’ll buy you your 1st drink and we’ll celebrate you BECOMING A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES!!!

  7. Why don’t people just get a work visa? If everybody did this legally, these farm workers could finally get paid a fair wage. It doesn’t mean they get $30 an hour but at least they would get minimum wage all these people protesting for these people to be exploited for four dollars an hour can kick rocks.


  9. If illegal immigration would be something great sanctuary cities and states like Crappyfornia, Shitattle, Shitadelphia, and Manure York would be inexpensive, safe, secure and prosperous. That's where your dumb socialist theory crash lands like a bitch.


  10. Immigration make America great. African American slave make America great. The last two years I drove to south Georgia and Florida I saw many immigrants worked in the field of American farms. If their country isn't communist, they better go back to work hard and developing their country. I'm here in the US because the country i was born fail to communist in 1975 in Southeast Asia and I don't like communism. If the country I was born not communist, I'd better go back to that country.

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